日期: 06/2011
贊助活動:Sponsor Mr Kan to purchase a wheelchair
Mr Kan is living with his wife at a Public Rental Housing in Shatin while their son mainly lives in China and seldom returns home. Mr Kan’s financially supported by his wife’s low income. However, he is diagnosed suffering from Poliomyelitis and he all along has walking difficulties. Owing to walking instability and high risk of fall, he suffered from fracture for 3 times and has undergone operations for the past 4 years. As assessed by Medical Officer and Occupational Therapist of North District Hospital (NDH), Mr Kan is in need of a wheelchair for facilitating his movement. Due to tight budget, Mr Kan has difficulty in purchasing a wheelchair, financial assistance is requested. A.J.R Charitable Foundation Ltd has kindly supported his funding for purchasing a new wheelchair, in hopes to improve his quality of life.